Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder that affects communication and behavior. Although autism can be diagnosed at any age, it is said to be a "developmental disorder" because symptoms generally appear in the first two years of life. Autism spectrum disorder is a serious condition related to brain development that impairs the ability to communicate and interact with others.Autism, as the whole world knows, is one of the most dreaded disabilities and a lifelong disability.
AutIsm (ASD) is a serious, incurable mental disorder that hampers one's ability to interact and communicate. This condition is present from early childhood and can be diagnosed as early as 18 months of age. "ASD is the fastest growing developmental disability all over the world, including India" says Dr Archana Nayar, from Autism Centre For Excellence (ACE). Being a mother of an autistic son, Nayar added that intervention is of poor quality in India and needs an institutional approach.
Balajothi provides training and healthcare to children with autism. Seminars on the subject are conducted periodically by professionals and the children's parents are encouraged to attend them in order to get trained and manage the children at home and in public places. As autism is a life long disability training and management of these children are required.
The project will educate families with autistic children providing them with self help skills and learning environments that promote healthy development. Children with autism will be able to lead independent and happy lives and will not become a burden to their families.
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