Every year, tens of thousands of unwanted animals are born into a life of misery, suffering, abuse and neglect in the impoverished communities of Cape Town. Our Project seeks to address this problem in Capricorn and surrounding settlements, home to +-25 000 people and an estimated +12 000 companion animals. Our objective is to sterilise 200 animals a month over a six month period, and provide primary health care (vaccination, worm and flea treatment, and in need, mange treatment).
Our Project will address the massive animal overpopulation problem in Capricorn and surrounding settlements and provide primary health care. We already do service these areas, but with limited funding, cannot tackle the problem effectively and strive to reduce overpopulation and the resultant misery, abuse and neglect suffered by thousands of unwanted and untreated animals. Daily, we are faced with animals in a pitiful, emaciated condition; many have mange, are worm infested and unsterilised.
Our core aim will be to radically reduce the unwanted births of puppies and kittens in Capricorn, through sterilisation, and ensure that the residents have happy, healthy pets. By reducing the numbers of unwanted animals, the misery, suffering, abuse and neglect will be greatly lessened. Also, there will be far fewer stray animals, many of whom are starving and ill, wandering around the streets, spreading disease and creating a problem.
The impact of our sterilisation drive (1 200 animals to be sterilised), will be realized when the number of animals being born is greatly reduced and consequently less suffering, abuse and neglect encountered . Providing primary care for companion pets will result in healthier animals and therefore healthier communities, with a significant reduction in zoonotic diseases (the spread of diseases from animals to humans). The problem of stray animals will also be mitigated through sterilisation.
This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).
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