This project will facilitate 800 local farmers in Eastern Uganda grow 50,000 fruit trees (avocado, jack fruits, improved mangoes, oranges and lemons as a means of preserving environment, improving household incomes and nutrition, through fruit sales and consumption in 4 years The project will secure seeds, raise and manage nursery beds, educate local farmers in tree growing, distribute fruit tree seedlings to beneficiaries, including supervision, monitoring and evaluation of activities.
In Uganda, over 90% of household energy is derived from biomass (firewood and charcoal) with 100% in rural communities. The excess utilization of firewood and charcoal as a means of household energy coupled with acquisition of timber for construction accelerated depletion of all forest covers including fruit trees in Kibuku, Pallisa, Budaka, and Butebo District. Kagumu Development Organization is supporting local communities to grow fruit trees in the area but entrained by lack of resources.
This project is significant that it will contribute to improved environment in Kibuku, Pallisa, Budaka and Butebo Districts, Eastern Uganda. The project will secure fruit tree seeds, educate local farmers in tree growing, raise nursary tree beds, distribute 50,000 tree seedlings to 800 local farmers, carryout supervision, monitoring and evaluation of the project interventions to ensure value for money.
The project will Support 800 farmers grow 50,000 fruit trees which will facilitate them live in conducive environment, have access to fruits for sale to improve their household incomes and also consumption to improve nutrition among the family members. The trained local farmers will act as technology transfer agents of whom other local community farmers will be vising to access knowledge and skills
This project has provided additional documentation in a XLSX file (projdoc.xlsx).
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