Together with Carers Network you can help 100 unpaid carers in central London look after their health and wellbeing. This will be achieved through a series of specialist workshops focusing on important issues such as diet and nutrition, healthy living and learning practical exercises they can do at home.
Taking on a caring responsibility can consume all areas of a person's life. Unpaid carers make incredible sacrifices, often giving up careers, friends and hobbies to support the person they care for. Their caring role becomes the sole focus of their life and it is common for carers to neglect their own health and wellbeing as they lose the time and opportunity to stay active and eat healthily. Across the UK 83% of carers say that caring has had a negative impact on their physical health.
Our Carers Live Well project will bring unpaid carers together to help them consider their own health and wellbeing and provide them with practical skills and information to achieve this. We will achieve this through delivering specialist workshops across central London open to unpaid carers. Each session will be led by a specialist and include both a learning element such sleep and nutrition and a practical activity such as exercises that can be easily replicated as part of a daily routine.
The Carers Live Well project will provide 100 unpaid carers with the skills and knowledge to enable them to live a healthier life. These will be long-term benefits for both unpaid carers and the people they look after, allowing them to live a happier and healthier life.