O.Mekembjes (Operation Restoration) is an affiliate of Operation Mercy in Kosovo. They are the only organisation providing long-term support to victims of domestic violence and trafficking, as well as combating the conditions which lead individuals to become victims or aggressors through education and training programmes for vulnerable young people. They achieve this through an individualised programme including therapy and skills training for up to 20 participants at one time.
68% of Kosovar women claim to have experienced domestic violence. From a country of only 2 million, police document over 1000 cases every year though it's widely recognised to be under-reported. Human-trafficking and teenage prostitution are rife. The shame and secrecy surrounding abuse make it extremely hard for women and girls to leave abusive situations. There is also a need for preventative action to stop children who have experienced violence becoming victims or abusers themselves.
O.Mekembjes supports women and girls through every step from the most broken point in their lives to becoming independent and flourishing members of society. The goal is that participants will be able to fully support themselves and their children. Our partner does this through an intensive programme of psychotherapy and counselling, self-support groups, literacy and numeracy, vocational skills and business training and a full programme for the children of survivors.
The sad reality is that victims of abuse and their children normally continue to be victims or become aggressors in the future. Without full rehabilitation this cycle continues generation after generation, wrecking families and destabilising society. O.Mekembjes is breaking this cycle in the lives of up to 20 individuals and their families, and restoring the next generation's hope for a better future.