Unemployment is soaring in sub-Saharan Africa. Yet there are huge opportunities for new agribusinesses as food imports into Africa are already high and are expected to increase further. The Agripreneurship Alliance is training young people in East Africa in Entrepreneurship in Agribusiness to help them create their own businesses to generate income and employment. In particular, we encourage and support young women to become entrepreneurs.
Africa already imports 35 billion USD of food every year and this is expected to increase to 100 billion USD by 2025. The opportunities for agriculture and agribusinesses are enormous. At the same time, Africa has the youngest population in world. Unemployment is skyrocketing with all the associated consequences that can lead to migration, extremism and substance abuse.
Vivian, David, Risper and Nelius are about to launch their Fresh Farms Mushroom business in Kibichoi, Kenya. They followed the Agripreneurship Alliance's training Entrepreneurship in Agribusiness which enabled them to fully analyse the business opportunities for mushroom farming in Kenya and step-by-step build a solid business plan. They are among the 87 students that participated in the training in 2018 in 5 locations in Kenya, Uganda and Somaliland in 2018.
Of the 31 business plans that the teams of students produced, 16 businesses have already been launched or significantly strengthened, and more are in the pipeline once the students complete their studies. Will you help young people, like Vivian, grasp the opportunities to create their own businesses, generating income and employment? Will you help change lives?
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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