The replicable Green Schools Green Map project will spur eco-activities in 1,000 NYC K12 schools with Report Cards tracking progress in programs, purchasing, physical plant and student projects.
To address poor learning conditions, apathetic students, unaware families and communities, the online Green Schools Green Map will impact many of NYC’s 2,000,000 kids. Designed to reach and teach students, teachers and administrators as well as families, decision makers and press, schools will save CO2, energy, water, waste, wildlife and money! Once all related activities, guidelines and web-map are perfected locally, the map can expand, resulting in a more hopeful future for all our children.
To link education and sustainability, we’ll develop web resources and youth activities so each NYC school can post a Report Card on a Google Map + annual reporting and school Green Maps by kids, PR, events, expansions, eco-curriculums, etc.
Better air quality, school gardens, local apples in the lunchroom, green cleaning supplies, eco-clubs, green roofs, CLF and energy use reduction, composting, and bike racks are among the improvements we’ll spur and chart in 1000 diverse schools.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).