Ensure that children in low-income neighborhoods of Memphis excel in academics, attendance and conduct through this incentive-based program, which also provides its participants financial education and life skills.
The graduation rate in Memphis City Schools is only 66.9 percent. The children served in the Goal Card program live in traditional public and subsidized housing in the poorest area in Memphis. The challenge is keeping youth focused on high school graduation and moving towards post-secondary education. This will prepare them socially, academically and economically to enter the work force. Preparation to enter the workforce enhances the students capabilities to earn "liveable wages."
Goal Card ensures that children excel academically through incentives and counseling from caring adult coaches, as well as receive financial education that they can be passed on to their families to make better life financial decisions.
Participants surpass their peers resulting in a higher graduation rate. Evaluation indicates Goal Card high school students have a 90% graduation rate among all seniors. Students are able to make better financial decisions, thus becoming better citizens.
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