Gives 100 hearing screening for 100 kids

by Fundacion Oir es Vivir
Gives 100 hearing screening for 100 kids


Give 100 newborn screenings to 100 low-income children this Christmas. The earlier we manage to detect a hearing loss in time we can ensure a better quality of life for this infant and his family.

total raised
monthly donors


Hearing loss in infants is very difficult to detect without hearing screening in the first years of life. Many families cannot do so because they do not have the resources to pay for it.


This project will offer the opportunity to those families with limited resources, to detect hearing problems in their newborns in early stages, when they can be given adequate treatment to mitigate their negative effects and sequelae.

Long-Term Impact

This project will help identify cases of newly born children with hearing loss problems, who will be able to receive early care and who will be more likely to have better hearing and a better quality of life.


Organization Information

Fundacion Oir es Vivir

Location: Panama, Republic of Panama, Latin America - Panama
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @OirEsVivir
Project Leader:
Felix Mantilla
Panama, Republic of Panama , Latin America Panama

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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