Project Report
| Aug 7, 2018
Akash is aiming for the sky...!
By Sk. Moniruddin | Fund Raising Officer
Akash with his Certificate & Remedial Teacher
Akash Moharana (not his real name) is the son of a Auto driver. He is around 10 years old and studying in Class-V in the nearby government primary school in Shantipalli, Sahid Nagar, Bhubaneswar. Due to poverty his father could not able to afford tuition for him. But, the teacher of our Remedial Centre in that slum came to know about him. She contacted his family and Akash joined our special remedial classes for English, Mathematics and Science regularly. Within a short span of time his hidden talents came to forefront and he excelled in his studies in school. After some days, a District level "Science Exhibition" was organized by the Education Department in which Akash participated with his project.
Akash's project received good reviews and appreciated by the students and teachers visited the science exhibition. At the end, his project got the Third Prize among junior group. It is heartening to see the slum child has got the recognition among more than hundred projects placed in the exhibition. We wish all success in life..!!
May 14, 2018
Mini the mini artist...
By Sk. Moniruddin | Fund Raising Officer
Mini.. the mini artist
Mini (not her real name) is a six years old girl from a poor family. Her father is a daily laborer and mother is a domestic help. She is studying in Jokalandi Primary School, Bhubaneswar. She is a bright student but due to poverty her parents did not afford tuition. Ruchika has a Remedial Education Centre (REC) at Baramunda Bhoi Sahi, Bhubaneswar. The teacher, Pravasini Singh, spotted the girl and asked her parents to send her to the REC. She is very punctual and attends the classes regularly. During these times, the teacher came to know her hidden talents of drawing, singing and storytelling. She encouraged her and guided her properly.
Mini, the little girl did exceptionally well in her school annual examination and also in annual sports. She got many prizes in singing, action song, drawing and storytelling events. She is a darling of teachers and inspiration for her other school friends.
Feb 13, 2018
Tulasi -
By Sk. Moniruddin | Fund Raising Officer
Tulasi standing with her Art works
Tulasi (not her real name), a little angel of Art and Painting is only 8 years old. She is now studying in Class-III at Joganadi Nodal Upper Primary School, Baramunda. She is also a regular student of Ruchika Remedical Centre (Shikshya) since 2015-16. Our Remedial Teacher find out her hidden talents in art and painting. She encouraged her and this little girl did wonders in art and paintings. She has got many awards, prizes and appreciations from different government and non-governemnt organizations.
Tulasi is not only good in art and painting but also very good in her studies. She secured First position in her last academic year 2016-17. Her soft spoken nature and talents makes her a darling for all the teachers of her school. She is now an inspiration for other students of her school and village. Her father is a mason and mother a daily wage earner. The parents are not able to send her to any special school like "Arts and Crafts School" for training. However, we hope that she will definitely do wonders both in her studies and arts & painting in future. May God bless her !!