Give a smile to 3000 slumchildren to attend school

by Ruchika Social Service Organisation
Give a smile to 3000 slumchildren to attend school
Give a smile to 3000 slumchildren to attend school
Give a smile to 3000 slumchildren to attend school
Give a smile to 3000 slumchildren to attend school
Give a smile to 3000 slumchildren to attend school
Give a smile to 3000 slumchildren to attend school
Give a smile to 3000 slumchildren to attend school
Give a smile to 3000 slumchildren to attend school


As per the Right to Education Act 2009 (RTE Act.) , all children in the age group of 6 to 14 years need to be in the schools. This program will help to educate 3000 out of school underprivileged children in the 50 urban slums of Bhubaneswar city, India. Also it helps in providing remedial education support to the children and mainstream them to the government school.

total raised
monthly donors


The slums of the city of Bhubaneswar, India, are a breeding ground for poverty, exploitation, negligence, destitution and disease. Children living in these slums have poor access to schools, and even where there is access and initial enrollment, there is a high dropout rate from school by grade 8. slum children are employed in the labour sector at a young age. Seeking to supplement family income, children work in different and distant locations which make regular attendance at school impossible.


As per the Right to Education Act 2009 all children in the age group of 6 to 14 years need to be in the schools. But the history witnesses that, the Government education programs are hardly successful for slum populations. RSSO expects universal enrolment and retention of slum children through community empowerment, children counseling, school teacher’s sensitization program and imparting remedial education to maintain academic proficiency of the children at par with their counterpart.

Long-Term Impact

It is expected that by the end of the project period, positive environment would be created in the slum community to send the children to school. The parents and would be empowered enough to demand quality education. The School Management Committee would be working effectively to achieve the goal of Right to Education Act. All the provisions of the RTE Act would be realized and the said 50 slums would be a model community fighting for quality education for all.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a Microsoft Word file (projdoc.doc).


Organization Information

Ruchika Social Service Organisation

Location: Bhubaneswar, Odisha - India
Facebook: Facebook Page
Ruchika Social Service Organisation
Project Leader:

Bhubaneswar , Orissa India

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