This project provides sanitary pads to 500 disadvantaged girls in Nigeria, promoting menstrual hygiene & confidence. Many girls miss school due to the high cost of pads, leading to dropout. By providing affordable pads, we aim to reduce absenteeism, empower girls & break the cycle of poverty. Implemented by Sam Onyemaechi Humanitarian Foundation & partners, this project directly impacts 500 girls.
In MAKOKO Community, one in every four girl-child has been molested and suffered sexual abuse. In MAKOKO, a small town in rural Community in Lagos, one out of every 3 teenagers admits that they live or have lived through sexual abuse of some kind at least once in their lives. It is clear that the right to a life free of violence for GIRL-CHILD, children and teenagers is seldomly enjoyed.
We will implement prevention workshops for 500 girl-child, children and teenagers; create a network of trained local people who will be spokespersons for the issue and will be able to detect and channel cases of abuse; generate and publish communication material at a local level and share tools and lessons learned with other organizations and in other communities to make an even greater impact.
With this project, Sam Onyemaechi Humanitarian Foundation is seeking to generate tools and learnings that can be replicated in other communities in the country, in order to protect thousands of girl-child and teenagers in MAKOKO.
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