Women LEAD is the first organization in Nepal to focus on developing the leadership of girls and women through hands-on training, peer learning and community. We believe that Nepal won't move forwards until women are equally represented in every sector and have a seat at the decision-making table. This project addresses the gender gap in political ambitions and representation by empowering young women to engage in politics and drive change from within the system.
Despite a quota that reserves 33% of government seats for women, high caste men still dominate Nepal's corridors of power. From childhood, women are conditioned to believe that politics is a "dirty" field that is only for men and don't see it as a viable vehicle to achieve change. The few who do have political ambitions, don't have access to the opportunities or connections they need to influence national policies and address the issues that affect them.
The Young Women's Political Leadership Institute equips passionate young women (aged 18-25) with the knowledge, leadership skills, and access to networks needed to launch political careers. Over 11 months, fellows complete 150 hours in training and field trips, a placement in a party or government agency, run an advocacy project, receive mentoring and lead civic engagement workshops at schools. After the program, they join our alumni community and receive ongoing professional opportunities.
Within a year, 60 young women will have gained the experiences, connections, and confidence to pursue a political career, while shifting the attitudes of 1,200+ people and becoming role models for over 400 youth. They will have inspired younger girls to follow in their steps and begun to normalize women's political leadership. Long-term, these 60 women will go on to positions of influence, driving change from within and building a better Nepal that works for everyone- not just the men.
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