Project Report
| Dec 28, 2023
Latest workshop held in September!
By Michael Kevane | Director, West Africa
![Learning to use keyboard]()
Learning to use keyboard
Funding for supporting training of young women and girls in using computers is intermittent, and so there has only been one training in the past three months.
Here is the translation of the report (from French):
The association Friends of Village Libraries of Burkina Faso (ABVBF) organized, from September 23 to 24, 2023, an introductory training course for 7 girls in IT tools (the computer). These girls came from Houndé and surrounding areas (Houndé, Koho, Karaba and Dohoun). For 2 days, they received an introduction to the basic elements of this tool alongside their supervisors who are Koura Donkoui and Boué Alidou. They began training by learning the elements that make up the computer as well as the roles of the mouse and the different elements of the keyboard. Then, in a practical way, they learned how to turn a computer on and off. After that, they were introduced to the use of Word: they learned to enter texts and do formatting (how to modify texts): select; change the font and font size; bold, italicize and underline; center, justify, put the text on the left or right. They also practiced making tables, copying and pasting and saving the texts produced, either in a folder or on the desktop. They also had knowledge about creating a folder and how to rename it. On the second day, we quickly recalled the first day. Each participant had plenty of time to practice entering the texts of the CMH books that we made available to them. This was an opportunity for us supervisors to assist them and correct their difficulties. We are satisfied with the results achieved by the participants during the 02 days of training because they received the B.A.BA on the use of the computer. They received their training certificates from the supervisors.
![First time on a computer!]()
First time on a computer!
![Two days of practicing]()
Two days of practicing
Aug 30, 2023
Workshop planned for October after schools reopen
By Michael Kevane | Director, West Africa
![Librarians in Tuy area planning activities in June]()
Librarians in Tuy area planning activities in June
FAVL and its partner organization has not hosted any training workshops in last 3 months, partly because of the security situation and partly because schools have been closed for summer. We hope to host another workshop in October.
The FAVL-supported libraries in Burkina Faso have had several tough years. The civil war, which started in 2016, has grown rapidly, and has pitted various Islamist-oriented groups (whose first actions are to close schools and insist that schooling be in Arabic, a language that few people in the country speak) against the Burkinabè military (which overthrew the democratic government in 2022, and suspended local government). The upshot of the conflict is that 21 of 38 libraries have been closed. Our partner organization in Burkina Faso, ABVBF, continues to visit libraries that remain open, in secure areas. The office in 2022 pivoted to a major initiative, the production of 10,000 copies of 50 illustrated books written and illustrated by residents of the town of Houndé. The books have been distributed to libraries that are open. This year our goal is to produce and distribute 50,000 copies. We are also exploring how we can expand the variety of books produced. We’d love to have a young adult science fiction series for readers in Burkina Faso.
Over in Ghana, CESRUD, FAVL’s local partner, continues to support the three libraries of Sumbrungu, Sherigu, and Gowrie-Kunkua. The libraries receive numerous visitors every week. Kitengesa Community Library and the Uganda Community Libraries Association are continuing to offer regular services.
![CMH books and a library reader]()
CMH books and a library reader
May 4, 2023
Hounde CMH center doing lots of book production
By Michael Kevane | Director, West Africa
![Readers with locally produced books]()
Readers with locally produced books
Friends of African Village Libraries (FAVL) has been involved in a variety of activities in Burkina Faso to promote literacy and education. For example, FAVL has been working to expand access to books and educational resources in rural communities by establishing community libraries and providing training and support to local librarians. They have also been involved in initiatives to promote reading and learning among children, such as organizing reading clubs and sponsoring reading competitions. In addition, FAVL has been working to improve access to technology in rural communities by establishing computer centers and providing training in basic computer skills. Overall, FAVL's efforts have had a significant impact on improving literacy and education in Burkina Faso, particularly in underserved rural areas. Because of the conflict, many libraries and programs have been suspended. Nevereless, FAVL continues to support the activities of the various projects, in libraries that are accessible.
The Houndé multimedia center has been producing new books at a steady clip, many of them authored by young women of the region.
![Locally produced book by young woman author]()
Locally produced book by young woman author
![Book authored by young woman]()
Book authored by young woman