Project Report
| Jul 26, 2019
ROSI Foundation implementing rehabilitaiton for Gaja Cyclone victims after immediate the relief work is completed.
Solar lantern have been provided for 230 families.
75 houses for Gaja Cyclone victims by coconut thatches have been provided.
Health camps in Alangudi, Thulasiapattinam, Voimedu and Ayeemoor in Pudukkottai and Nagapattinam dist.
5870 cyclone survivors benefited in the medical camps that are giving more impact among the cyclone victils.
we are thanking for the support and in further requirement your participation is impaotant and welcomed. Our Gaja cyclone rehabiltation work is come an end now. so again thanks for the donaors of the project.
Apr 5, 2019
three months report
By Shenbagam | Project Coordinator
One house for cyclone victim
ROSI Foundation implementing rehabilitaiton for Gaja Cyclone victims after immediate the relief work is completed. 17 houses for Gaja Cyclone victims by coconut thatches have been provided. Health camps in Alangudi, Thulasiapattinam, Voimedu and Ayeemoor in Pudukkottai and Nagapattinam dist. 5870 cyclone survivors benefited. Solar lantern have been provided for 220 families.
Further 140 houses are being provided in the next three months duration. It is very improtant and urgent becuase they are yet to be settlled till the last 4 months. 4 Months passed after the Gaja cyclone hit. Although the diaster and destruction are heavy and serious, rehabiltation works are not sufficent and being very slow.
we are thanking for the support and in further requirement your participation is impaotant and welcomed. you can spread the requiremnt to your friends and circles
Dec 22, 2018
By Palanivelu | project leader
second phase relief support in Kodaikanal
We are implementing second phase relief work in your kind support, the following works of relief is continued and rehabilitation is started.
Darpaluin for 122 houses, tiles for 66 houses and coconut thatches for 112 houses have been provided. Health camps in Kariyapatinam, Thulasiapattinam, Voimedu and Ayeemoor in Tiruvarur and Nagapattinam dist. 1770 cyclone survivors benefited. Solar lantern have been provided for 199 families.
Now the beneficaries are releiving from the diaster impact and affection. Still the requirements for 1500 hosues are urgent that is requested from you.
we are thanking for the support and in further requirement your participation is impaotant and welcomed
Treatment for cyclone survivor
In health camp
second phase relief support in Kodaikanal
Housing Support