Dear friends of Kranti (& Robin) - I hope you are wonderful! This month is 7 years since Kranti started. I've given 100% of my mind, body and soul to Kranti, but I still struggle to make ends meet. This takes away time from the girls, so I am setting an ambitious year end goal - I want to raise $5K of RECURRING donations on GG!! (500 donors @$10/month, or 250 @$20/month.) In 2018, I want to dedicate 100% of my time to teaching, parenting, and healing the Krantikaris. Will you help me get there?
Many of you have been with us for 7 years, and you've seen us through many hard times: admitting 5 girls in mental hospitals, changing 6 new homes, paying for 3 mothers' cremations, and even rescuing me from jail! You've ALWAYS been there for us, but we know these crises can be just as hard on you as they are on us. This is not how we want to express our gratitude to you, and for years, I've wished we had a steady, reliable income to manage these situations. But I never knew how to get there...
Until recently, when a mentor said: "Entrepreneurs should deal in the currencies they're rich in, not the ones they're poor in." He asked me what currency is Kranti rich in, and I knew immediately - we are richest in our global network of amazing individuals who love, support, and believe in the Krantikaris. You've made us rich in memories, rich in dreams, rich in love, rich in success stories! So I've decided to ask for your help more long term...will you help make Kranti sustainable as well?
When we started Kranti, it was with the goal of being a community-run organization. As the oldest Krantikaris turn 22/23, I can see them, after 5-6 years, leading Kranti in the direction they know is best for the community. This made me think about the legacy I'll be leaving these leaders, and I DON'T want them to spend 90% of their time worrying about money like I have for 7 years. Your recurring donation will help current AND future Kranti leaders to dedicate 100% of our time to the girls!
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).