Join us in spearheading a grassroots movement to transition Guatemala from pollution to green solutions. With 95% of our rivers and lakes contaminated; Education and robust public policies are essential to address this crisis. Our organization is dedicated to providing both digital and in-person environmental education specialized in effective waste management strategies; free of charge to public and private entities like schools, municipalities, universities, and restaurants among others.
The Motagua River in Guatemala is one the most polluted rivers in the world and is responsible for 2% of the global plastic emissions in the oceans this affects the Mesoamerican reef in the Caribbean, and is a pressing concern for environmental, economic and social problems. The improper waste management practices, lack of public policies and environmental education, and the burning of toxic waste, not only contribute to water and air pollution but also pose health risks to the younger ones.
The proposed project's objectives align well with the severity of the problem, as it aims to educate and empower all the stakeholders to manage waste properly, reduce pollution, and create a more sustainable and healthy environment. Additionally, the project's efforts to engage and mentor local authorities, educational centers, and businesses in responsible waste management and recycling practices can play a vital role in mitigating pollution.
We are mentoring municipal authorities, helping them build proper waste management policies and infrastructure with crucial alliances for creating a local chain value. We designed a digital educational program that is scalable, teaching communities how to manage waste correctly: classifying, recycling, and composting waste. Visual campaigns in public spaces and social media help us create awareness about the importance of waste management and pollution prevention.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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