FTPF is teaming up with Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary to plant fruit trees in and around the homes of some amazing new residents. Recently, Jungle Friends welcomed 26 squirrel monkeys who had been released from the FDA after being subjected to nicotine addiction studies. Now, at their new forever home at the sanctuary, we will plant fruit trees in and around their habitats in order to provide fresh fruit, shade, branches to climb, and the happy, healthy environment they deserve!
The saga of these squirrel monkeys has been featured in the Washington Post and CNN, as in September 2017 Dr. Jane Goodall sent a letter to FDA Commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb urging him to cancel the research that the monkeys were part of. In January 2018, the study was permanently terminated and plans were made to retire the monkeys involved to a sanctuary. This is the first time the FDA has released monkeys in research to a sanctuary!
This unprecedented event has opened the door for other monkeys to be released from the FDA to sanctuaries. The fruit trees provided will help create an environment that is as close to wild as possible for the monkeys, providing the chance to pick their food fresh from the branches just like their wild cousins! We can just imagine the monkeys monkeying around in the branches, hanging from their tails while munching a mulberry, avocado, or peach--ultimately happy and cared for in their new home.
The team at Jungle Friends have created beautiful lives and homes from these squirrel monkeys, as well as the over 300 other primates in their care. The addition of fruit trees will create a bountiful habitat that increases their access to fresh fruit, shade, and just overall joy. We are grateful to be partnering with such a great and passionate team at Jungle Friends whose lives are dedicated to these amazing primates!