This project directly supports marginalized and vulnerable individuals from Sarajevo, who are falling through the cracks of the post-war system in Bosnia and Herzegovina and whose human rights have been violated. Victims of domestic violence, war traumatized individuals, and children from families with low income, suffering from mental health issues and disorders, are provided with counselling, psychotherapy or psychological and psycho-social support who cannot pay for therapy.
It is estimated that around 1/3 of people in Bosnia&Herzegovina have mental health issues. Anxiety disorders and depressive disorders are most common for adults and adjustment problems, externalizing disorders and trauma were the most common health issues among children. The health-care services and health insurance coverage is unequal and lately the health system is under drastic savings measures. Because of this mental health centers in Sarajevo are overwhelmed and free services inaccessible.
The Foundation Krila nade/Wings of Hope provides counselling, psychotherapy, psychological and psycho-social support to individuals with mental health issues, problems and disorders, and survivors of violence living with long-term war traumatization free of charge. With the multi-systemic approach that we use we enable them to deal positively with challenges in their everyday life, to restore their dignity, to obtain their human rights and to be successfully integrated in society.
The project will provide 42 marginalized individuals (children and adults) suffering from various mental health issues, problems and disorders with 1 month of counselling, psychotherapy or psychological and psycho-social support free of charge. A big part of this process is personal empowerment by accomplishing individual goals set at the beginning of the therapy, combined with accompanying behavioral changes, improved learning abilities and more connections with friends and family.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).