Our 'Foster Family' program at Instituto Fazendo Historia offers care and a safe and stable home from volunteer families for children up to 6 years old, that needed to be separated from their families under judicial reasons for a short and long term periods. Volunteer families bring the child into their homes during a transitional period until the child is able to return to their family of origin or is adopted. Our team selects, evaluates,trains, supports and monitors all volunteer families
Children at shelters are taken care of by many different professionals that alternate shifts and are usually not qualified for that specific type of work. Also, general poor facilities of the shelters interfere negatively on the child's development and result in emotional negligence. Research states that for every year that a child is in a shelter, they lose 4 months of their emotional and mental development.
The child stays in a foster home with constant and specialized care and creates strong bonds with the volunteer family, establishing personal experiences with the family and community. These are all basic conditions needed for the initial phase of a child's life, learning how to develop healthy relationships. Volunteer families are completely responsible for the care of the child and guarantee necessary conditions for their physical, emotional, cognitive and social developmen
Children that have a family usually have higher chances of getting a job and having professional and social relationships as opposed to those that are raised in shelters. Research states that most children that grow up with no parents, don't achieve their educational and life potential. They usually do not become productive members of society and therefore generate economic loss because of the need of the state having to intervene during their adult life.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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