![Elders are happy]()
Elders are happy
Respected Donor !!!
Warm Greeting from CHHASE India!!
We have been getting your high valued liberal support through GlobalGiving and we are thankful to you from our heart.
CHHASE has entered its 17th Anniversary. The volunteers, staff and our beneficiaries of CHHASENGO celebrated this anniversary with under privileged, orphan and slum children. Orphan children asked to cut cake in the celebration. CHHASE organized this celebration in after school education Centers, old age centers and in CHHASE VTC, a school for vocational training Centre for women managed by CHHASE.
On the ocassion of the 17th Anniversary,CHHASE provided food groceries to 78 Neglected elders, Disabled and leper cured. We shared our joy by providing cakes to them. They were happy. We also distributed sarees, towels and blankets distributed to 57 neglected elders. These elders were provided cakes to eat. The elders were very happy. In this celebration, 30 plantswere planted in Thirupandiyur village. We explained the importance of tree preservation to 300 participants.
In order to provide better and sustainable livelihood to widows and poor women, sewing machines were given to 3 widows and 3 to poor women with your support through GlobalGiving Foundation.
CHHASE, in these 16 years, has served more than one and half lakh beneficiaries all over TAMIL NADU. In order to make them self-reliant and empowered, the organization has put its significant efforts through several programs as vocational education, women empowerment, conservation of environment, educational development and sustainable livelihood, elderly care, food groceries to neglected elders, Etc and the organization still working to uplift our communities.
When we initially joined GlobalGiving Foundation, CHHASE was a tiny and grass root level NGO and the generous donations of all respectable donors like you that moved us into action with dedication and devotion for the development and empowerment of the deprived community. Now we are one of the top ranking NGO. We hope that we will be getting your valuable support and guidance in the future.
Today CHHASE is ready to save our communities from any problem like an earthquake or flood, education, poverty, unemployment or violence against women, global warming, CHHASE attend immediately to resolve the problem successfully. And all the credit goes to all of you, therefore, CHHASE and our staff, volunteers and beneficiaries thanking you.
All great things start with great people who help many lives. And because you are great, you deserve this warmest Wonderful “X MAS” greeting. Prosperity and success is waiting for you. Have an awesome “X MAS” and enjoy every minute of it. Merry “X MAS”!
Give Recurring donation to Double your Impact !
We have been getting your valuable support and we are thankful to you from the core of our heart. We are glad to inform you that GlobalGiving is going to organising "Recurring Match Campaign" from 29th November 2017 to 31th December 2017. If you are satisfied from our performance then you have a golden opportunity to donate through the campaign since your support and donation will have positive influence over the activities performed for women empowerment, education, children rights, skill development, elderly care and other noble work. GlobalGiving will contribute 100% (match bonus)to your donation up to $200.
Here are our vetted, high-impact projects that can accomplish even more with your monthly support:
provision of food to starving neglected elders/
provide food groceries 78 neglected elderly-women/
Thanking you for your kind cooperation and financial support. Without your generous donations it is very difficult for us to '' Help Poor neglected elders !!''
Respected donors, we welcome your valuable suggestions for this noble work. Please do provide your suggestions in the comment box to be more successful.
Many thanks again for your support!!
![Elder receiving food groceries]()
Elder receiving food groceries
![Elder receiving food groceries]()
Elder receiving food groceries
![Elder receiving food groceries]()
Elder receiving food groceries
![Elders are happy]()
Elders are happy
![Elders are happy]()
Elders are happy