Funds are desperately needed to continue providing a nutritious daily lunch to the students in our Prep for Success program who are preparing for a national gateway exam. Your gift will help provide a DAILY lunch for EVERY STUDENT, for some this is their only meal each day. It's the summer break from school in some parts of the world, but for the students we serve in rural Kenya, the school year is only half over.
Food insecurity is a problem for many of the children in our academic programs. Recognizing the importance of a nutritious daily meal to enhance learning, we serve lunch daily as part of Prep for Success, our academic support program at three local schools. For many this might be their only daily meal. Providing meals has become increasingly expensive due to the high cost of food and the increase in students enrolled in the schools we serve, putting a strain on our budget.
With additional funds, Kiwimbi will be able to purchase sufficient food to ensure a daily lunch for all students in the Prep for Success Program. Hungry students can't learn well, so feeding these children daily is important to their academic success. Those who give monthly ensure that ongoing funds are available to feed the students.
A nutritious daily meal that supports academic success puts these students on a path of educational opportunities.Their national exam score determines the quality of the secondary school where they can enroll. Typically 20% of rural students pass, but over 50% of the students in Kiwimbi's programs pass! The daily meal also keeps the girls in school for a full day of lessons rather than going home to eat lunch but then staying home to do chores. This meal at school is a life-changer for so many.
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