Project Report
| Mar 17, 2023
International Women's Day Celebrations
By Savarinathan Maria Arasu | Founder Director
International Women's Day Celebrations
International Women's Day Celebrations
International Women's Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. International Women's Day is a time to reflect on progress made, to call for change and to celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women, who have played an extraordinary role in the history of their countries and communities.
On 04.03.2023, Saturday the women's day was celebrated in Janani Home by the staff of Prime Trust and the women of the Self Help Groups. Rangoli competition, Cooking competition, Speech competition and games were conducted for the women. Mr. SM Arasu, Founder and Managing Trustee and Mr. Sivakumar, trustee of Prime Educational and Social Trust gave special speech on the significance of women. The women enjoyed participating in the program. Prizes were given. The program ended with the vote of thanks.
International Women's Day Celebrations
Mar 9, 2023
Income generation Program for women groups
By Savarinathan Maria Arasu | Founder Director
Training on Incomome generation for tribal women
Prime Trust provides Income Generation Program training at Varagupet Village, Villupuram District
Income-generating activities focused on poor communities focus on creating opportunities for communities to productively use locally available resources to develop less state and aid-dependent, more self-reliant households and communities able to care for themselves. Additional benefits of income-generating activities include: contributing to reducing poverty; improving the well-being of the communities as well as empowerment; and enhancing self-reliance and community development.
On 10.02.2023 about 15 women from the Varagupet village, Villupuram District was given training to manufacturing different housekeeping items like Phenyl, Clothes washing liquid, dishwashing liquid, Soap oil, etc. Mrs. Meera who had received training from the government training program and who is manufacturing and selling the housekeeping items gave the training to the women. It was a useful training session for the women. The women thanked Prime Trust for organizing the IGP training.
Training on Incomome generation for tribal women
Mar 6, 2023
Prizes for toppers of our Evening School
By Savarinathan Maria Arasu | Founder Director
Prizes for toppers of our Evenng School
Prizes for the Toppers of our Evening School
Encouragement is one of the most powerful tools a teacher can use. It is often the key to unlocking untapped potential in children. As an educator or parent, your words and actions have the ability to lift students up or break them down. Encouraging words and actions are often internalized by students and have the power to motivate them to succeed.
On 21.02.2023 the Evening School Teacher encouraged the children who have achieved good ranks in the half-yearly examination. It is proven fact that the children were given additional support to excel in their studies. Prime Trust appreciates the evening school teacher for her efforts.
Prizes for toppers of our Evenng School