Food, Education and Emergency Support for Girls

by Water, Agroforestry, Nutrition and Development Foundation
Food, Education and Emergency Support for Girls


The project will provide basic education, food and hygiene support for schoolgirls of ultra-poor families with special focus on schoolgirls affected by disasters, insurgency and the Coronavirus pandemic. Most often they are in danger of dropping-out because of the lack of simple necessities in life comprising nutritious food, basic school supplies and hygiene kits. We will focus our attention to schoolchildren living in remote barrios in the Philippines where assistance to them is minimal.

total goal
monthly donor


Children of ultra-poor families are severely disadvantaged for lack of basic needs in life comprising food, education support and hygiene kits. We will focus on schoolgirls severely affected by natural disasters, insurgency and the Coronavirus pandemic. They almost always drop-out from school and lose the opportunity to improve themselves and brighten their future. When they drop-out, most often they also marry or get pregnant early and perpetuate the situation of poverty and hopelessness.


Supporting girls with nutritious food will improve their health conditions and make them able to tackle the rigors of school and community life. Aside from food we will also encourage their parents to grow vegetables in the backyard in order for them to have steady supply and augment their income. School supplies comprising bags, notebooks, pens and uniforms will improve their standing among their classmates. Hygiene kits will improve their grooming and cleanliness and general well-being.

Long-Term Impact

The project is aimed to improve the life chances of schoolgirls of ultra-poor families by supporting their food, hygiene and educational needs. The long-term impact is for them to be successful as they grow and be contributors to the general welfare of their communities.


Organization Information

Water, Agroforestry, Nutrition and Development Foundation

Location: Cagayan de Oro, Misamis Oriental - Philippines
Project Leader:
Cora Sayre
Cagayan de Oro , Misamis Oriental Philippines
$24,994 raised of $40,000 goal
183 donations
$15,006 to go
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