Cimientos Program, "Futuros Egresados", accompanies high school students living under conditions of vulnerability , so that they can graduate from high school. We work with more than 2700 students across the country; but many others are left behind. This project will allow us to reach more students, giving them an economic scholarship and personalized mentoring during the course of their high school education. This will positively affect their future providing more and better opportunities.
In Argentina, 1 out of 2 youth drop out of secondary school with devastating consequences for their future. The main causes of this problem are: entrance to the labor market; economic difficulties to sustain the course of school classes; pregnancy or care of a younger sibling / child; lack of interest or consideration of school as necessary of their future. This project affects more than 1900 young boys and girls from vulnerable families who are at risk of abandoning high school.
Futuros Egresados accompanies youth between 12 and 18 years old and their families in situation of social vulnerability so that they can finish secondary school and build up a future with more and better opportunities. Young boys and girls receive a monthly scholarship and participate in personalized mentoring, through which the development of socio-emotional skills is promoted in order to improve their educational trajectory and to acquire skills to navigate high school.
This project will accompany more than 1900 vulnerable youth in Argentina and their families so they can finish high school, work on their own life project and seek for more and better opportunities of development during their adult life. This will impact in their opportunity of obtaining quality formal jobs, ultimately helping curve the vicious circle of poverty.
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