Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!

by OneMama Organization
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Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!

Project Report | Oct 3, 2017
Its Time to make a change! New Funding Vision Set Forth at Uganda's OneMama Clinic!

By Siobhan Neilland | Founder - Managing Director of OneMama

New Funding Vision Set Forth at Uganda’s OneMama Clinic!

Womens Day in Uganda - OneMama Sponsored
     On-the-ground fieldwork is imperative to the success of the OneMama Clinic.

Since founder, Siobhan Neilland, resides full time in California, her yearly trips to Uganda are times of extreme focus. The year-round work we do relies heavily on these five to six weeks when we implement and improve programs, staff training, and do community outreach. This year followed that same rhythm in strides! The OneMama team and Clinic in Uganda are hopeful that by sharing these trip updates, it will help bring forward new partners. Most of all, new partnerships are essential to complete the important work the OneMama clinic does each day.

We love our little OneMama Clinic! …The people, power, and dedication of a community that really does want to transform the way it thrives! First of all, we need to share upfront that donations have not been coming in like they have in the past. Consequently, we suspect that this is due to the political climate in the US. Support and donations used to come in often, however we are now seeing less and less participation from organizations and individuals here. Also, the change in laws in the United States have affected the way we do things in Africa. These changes are worrying our little clinic and Siobhan experienced this first hand during her recent trips to the village.

As the political and fundraising climate was changing, Siobhan realized that as a leader, it is her job to adjust with the times.

“My number one priority is for the OneMama Clinic to survive and keep the doors open and thriving. If former funding paradigms are not working, we need to find new ones. What I’m realizing is, instead of relying so heavily on products that will sell well in the U.S. and International markets, we are going to focus on creating products and crops that will sell in Uganda with the goal to be self-funding in a year in a half.” – Quote by Siobhan

Ugandan OneMama Village


Below are some of the first steps to making this adjustment. A bulleted overview of Siobhan’s recent trips to the village from Siobhan’s perspective:
  • Most noteworthy, we bought new fabrics to make a new OneMama fashion collection featured at New York Fashion Week 2017. The new fabric combines t-shirt materials with military inspired uniform fabric. The creation of classy designs that fits all women’s body shapes. Also, we increased our men’s wear collection and this will also be featured at New York Fashion Week.
  • We met with a lot of political figures in Ugandan parliament, or Chairmen, as they are called in Uganda. We met with the Chairmen (Governor) of Kayunga and he spoke at our Community event of 500-700 people. It was a special time where we served food and presented all the new health and economic programs for the clinic… even the trusted leading aid to the President of Uganda was in attendance!
  • OneMama has a women’s soccer team!

    At the Community event we presented the local women’s soccer team that OneMama is a proud sponsor. The team includes members of our Community, as well as, OneMama staff.
    OneMama Women's Day Celebration - Introducing Soccer Team

  • Taking care of Mama! – One morning Siobhan took mama Jamira to go get her hair done.  “A small gesture to make sure she is taken care of.”  Siobhan tries to share one-on-time with all the wonderful staff at the OneMama Clinic.
  • We introduced multiple new projects to our economic sustainability programs. First of all, the insect project. Insects can help create more protein for the community as well as financial sustainability. Siobhan’s life-partner, who accompanied her on the trip, lovingly headed up this new project. Additionally, we built out or expanded many other projects. These include honey harvesting, herbal and eatable crop production for local sales, providing menstrual pads for sale and use in the community, and creating new, sustainable designs for OneMama Collection necklaces, purses, and clothing. As a result of the political climate, collection items are now created with sales in the local marketplaces in the forefront of efforts.
  • We had countless meetings with the community advisory board, our OneMama staff, potential partners, and the community at large.
  • We built out partner relationships with the people who will be working on our labs, family planning programs, and our domestic violence programs.
  • Our OneMama staff signed on for another year to work at the OneMama clinic, we have a full staff and three nurses.
  • We had the privilege to share with the community how we gained consultative status with the United Nations – giving their village a voice on the world stage of policy change!

OneMama Initiative in Action at Women's Day Celebration in Uganda

Most importantly, our OneMama Clinic cannot stay open without changing the way it operates in the bigger picture. At the same time, we would not be this far without those who share in the OneMama vision. We need these partnerships to continue and are hopeful that these new developments inspire you into greater action!

     The Simple Truth: Our clinic and the people who benefit from it rely on the people of the OneMama world village.“We are All OneMama”Are you with us?
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Organization Information

OneMama Organization

Location: San Francisco, CA - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @imOneMama
Project Leader:
Siobhan Neilland
San Francisco , CA United States
$37,787 raised of $100,000 goal
502 donations
$62,213 to go
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