Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!

by OneMama Organization
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Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!
Empower OneMama Health Clinic to Sustainability!

Project Report | Jun 29, 2017
OneMama New Programs - Uganda Trip July 2017

By siobhan Neilland | Founder of OneMama.org

Hi OneMama Action Heros! 

     It’s that time again! I am traveling back to the OneMama Clinic in Uganda to develop new programs on the ground. This letter is about that and how YOU can help too!

     It's been a year and a half since I joined the team on the grounds in Uganda, and usually when I prepare to leave, I know there will be a lot of problems that I will be arriving to. This year feels different though... Even though it's been a while since I’ve been back, the clinic continues to run really well, and the programs we have already in place are thriving! So for the first time as I prepare to leave, I am not mostly worried about the village, I am worried about the funds coming in to keep the clinic open. With all the worldly and political changes right now, it has severely hurt OneMama's incoming donations and funding this year. This is why I want so badly for the clinic and the people of the OneMama village to be fully self-sustainable. This way, when things do change politically, they can still survive and prosper. This is the mission of this summer's trip to Uganda. 

     The OneMama Model and community has become more and more entrepreneurial in nature over the years creating funding solutions through agriculture, the selling of products, and training, to bring money back into the village - and it is ready to take its next step with a heavier focus on agriculture, the OneMama Collection, and more training opportunities to help reach our goal of being 100% self-sustaining!

Here is the plan for this year's trip to Uganda:

  • Investing in beekeeping and insect harvesting for protein cricket, meal worms, and termites. Did you know cricket flour has 3 times more protein then steak!? This will bring much needed protein to the mothers and babies of the OneMama village.
  • Finding more creative ways to resource our materials for the OneMama Collection, such as finding fabrics of more recycled materials and standardizing our designs.
  • Further development on programs already operating, including the Domestic Violence Program.
  • Nurturing new and established relationships in Uganda and the United Nations.
  • Building out local fundraising opportunities from the Ugandan government and foundations for financial support. This will be our first year doing this because we are just now qualifying for the certain criteria needed to pursue these routes. 

     So this month, me and my twelve bags of supplies filled with donations, feminine hygiene products for the women of the village, and materials needed for the making of these new programs will be on the ground in Uganda.

     If any of the program for this trip stand out to you, such as sponsoring a beehive, or you just want to help the OneMama Clinic, reach to the OneMama team  and we can help you make that happen!

     Please visit OneMama.org and make a donation today, if you are inspired by the help and support OneMama brings to all Mamas and Babies. We can't continue without you! 

     Thanks to each of you who continually stand up and become the action hero that is needed to keep OneMama alive. Thank YOU!

Love n' Light,


Founder of OneMama.org

gift from mama Jamira - Ceremonial rooster
gift from mama Jamira - Ceremonial rooster


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Organization Information

OneMama Organization

Location: San Francisco, CA - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @imOneMama
Project Leader:
Siobhan Neilland
San Francisco , CA United States
$37,787 raised of $100,000 goal
502 donations
$62,213 to go
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