Project Report
| Oct 7, 2014
Look What YOU helped make happen at OneMama Clinic
Clinic Health Day! 2014 Updates!
We are growing and expanding in ways that truly are miraculous! Here are just a few of the changes that we started to make in 2014.
We still mostly fund the programs from our economic sustainability programs listed below.The OneMama Collection that many of you purchase all year round and your monthly donations are what pay for our medical supplies, medical staff, and even many of our building upgrades on the ground in Uganda. We make very little go a long way, and I could not be prouder of the community, directors, and all those who have stepped up and started to take action to BE the change in the world.
We really are all ONE Mama to each other and this is our living example.
Here is what's NEW…..
- NEW clinic buildings and clinic rooms for partners services
o We are no longer working out of mud hut conditions! We now have separated clinic buildings from staff and family buildings, improving overall community sanitation.
- New Community Center area in use until our more robust Community Center buildings are constructed in next few years
- Electricity - We now have both solar and traditional electricity powering the clinic
o This is creating a hybrid model using both to generate electricity for the clinic.
o Only two years ago we didn't even have solar power… now we have both solar and traditional electricity! First time in community history!
o We are an official Ugandan Health center ll
o Clinic can now support up to 350 people a day for our special events.
o Updated signage for the OneMama clinic and road to the OneMama Clinic
- New paint jobs for the new clinic buildings in process
- New OneMama Collection
o Updated clothing collection to fund OneMama! The OneMama Collection created a new fashion-forward line to continue funding for our programs and entering larger markets.
o This includes labeling and sizing for larger distribution.
- New Partnerships for Medical Services
o Listed below all the new services
- New Partnerships for Economic & Agricultural Development and Education
o Listed below all the new services
- Upgraded the General OneMama Organizational Processes and Communications
o Updated communication processes to accommodate for’s international growth, both internally and externally.
o We want to make sure that we are poised to always be the voice the individuals in our OneMama communities.
- Community Leaders and OneMama
o Met with community advisors on how to continue our longevity and healthy future.
o Community feels we are moving in right direction and is excited about our new clinic and services.
Details of Items Mentioned Above
New Partners for Clinic Services
Partners that will assist our OneMama community health services
- Dental programs monthly
- New HIV programs
o Makerere Walter Reed Project (circumcision organization) - 60% less chance of HIV than non- circumcised
- Marie Stopes & SoftPower – expanded family planning services
- Saving His Children – new outreach programs to focus on malnutrition
- Surgical Clinic Partners – formalized referral processes and clinic room to perform basic procedures
Partners who will assist our OneMama community with economic services
- Agriculture Corn Program – improving growth and going to market strategies
- Agriculture Coffee Program – improving growth and going to market strategies
- Artisan Crafts Program - implemented new processes and long-term goals for both local markets and global markets
- Skills Development Programs – sponsored vocational training
o Education CBO (Uganda Youth) - that offers scholarship for our OneMama members and community members for skills development
Agriculture partner classes to assist the community and keep OneMama self-sufficient
- Training for OneMama Community in crops that are easy to grow, of high quality, and yield high revenue and distribution.
- Training for OneMama Community to pick a unique crop that is easy to grow, but unique to export
- Training for OneMama Community in creating teams of women that sell as a cooperative unit within the community. Partners will train, mentor, and coach mentees through this process to establish intercommunity partnerships to sell locally.
- Training on crops to sell as a community on the international market.
Economic Sustainability - Crafts & Clothing Program
- We have increased our base of community members participating in the crafts & clothing educational programs. These programs provide funds for the clinics’ medical supplies and programs.
- Quality of coin purses, paper beads, seed necklaces, hats, and African book bags has improved and community members continue to generate new design ideas.
- We created a NEW OneMama Fashion Forward Collection of clothes that are more focused on a global market. This continues to assist in our primary funding of the staff and programs.
o OneMama Collection New or Updated Items:
- Tear Drop Dress – Short (red, black, blue, green)
- Tear Drop Dress – Long (red, black, blue)
- Tear Drop Top – (red, black, blue, green)
- New Action Hero Tops w/ Sleeves – no African fabric just cotton (red, black, blue, green)
- New Long Skirts w/ Slit (black, blue, red, aqua)
- New Short Skirts (black, blue)
- New Halter Top -that ties and bottom is like action hero- (black, red, blue and green)
- New Short Wrap Hoodie (black, blue, red)
- New OneMama Patch that goes on all clothes
- New Beaded OneMama Small Dolls
- African “ Patchwork” bags
OneMama Collection Original items:
- OneMama Dolls w/ Pigtails
- OneMama Paper Beads ( all colors)
- OneMama Seed Necklaces
- OneMama Key Chains
- Hoop earrings (all colors)
- Wooden Bracelets
- Batik Bracelets
- Coin Purses
- Drums (various sizes)
- Rattles
- Baskets
OneMama Overall Organizational Updates
- The international team for OneMama and local directors met to discuss the long-term (5 to 10-year goals) strategies for the OneMama Organization and the communities it supports.
- We implemented new communication processes to keep all key personal more informed and interconnected locally and internationally. There is a new system in place, creating checks and balances to move us towards being a more efficient organization. This includes monthly international conference calls with all team members.
- We increased nurse salaries and budgets for to keep our wonderful nurses happy and financially stable, to deter them from moving to other organizations.
- We reevaluated all medical procedures and supplies to make sure we are up-to-date in the latest and best available resources to us with allotted budgets.
- We reviewed and updated all budgets, taking into consideration the revenue that comes into our organization, how to increase existing donations, and how to utilize and budget more efficiently.
- Directors have now started a new initiative to pursue alternative donor and NGO programs, both locally and internationally
Community Meetings
- We met with the local community and the Community Advisory Board for
- We discussed all the new construction and long-term development plans.
- Membership to OneMama Clinic and services was addressed and improved.
- Community is excited that on Health Services and Partner Days we hosted up to 350-400 on site at the OneMama Clinic
We want to THANK each and every one of you in the OneMama World Community for helping us grow and evolve thru each of these stages of growth. We look forward to all that we can accompish together in the years to come not only for this clinic but the future 250 clinics that we will build together.
Sending each of you the gift of Light and LOVE in your lives and hearts.
Siobhan Neilland – Founder of
Kids at the clinic!
Family Planning Clnic
New OneMama Tear Drop Dress
New OneMama Action Hero Tops and Skirts