These past four years have been detrimental to OneMama’s success. Before the pandemic, OneMama ran a full medical staff on extraordinarily few donations, mostly from our self-sustainability funding programs.
The clinic was mostly self-funded and sustainable via OneMama’s economic programs (like crafts, crops, clothes, etc.). Since then, OneMama has seen the hands of the clock turn back on the clinics’ means of self-sustainability.
Now, we need to rebuild and regain the funding solutions we once had, but to do so, OneMama needs donations to help us overcome this big hurdle.
OneMama has never needed help more than we are RIGHT NOW.
We need to raise $27,000 to continue our life-saving work with our excellent medical team in place for the remainder of this year.
Please… if you have any means to help in ANY WAY (donating, sponsoring, sharing about OneMama to people or businesses you feel may help), now is the time!
RIGHT NOW, THE BIGGEST IMPACT YOU CAN MAKE IS BY Sponsoring our much-needed special programs or our amazing medical staff or equipment!
Here are our One-Time Specialty Needs for Sponsorships/Donations:
- Sponsor the refurbishing of our solar panel power system.
- We need to raise $3,500
- Sponsor for the building of our water purification and catchment system.
- We need to raise $2,500
- Sponsor Clinic Repairs & Painting
- We need to raise $5,000
- Sponsor our new purchase of Large Medical Equipment & Ultrasound Machine
- We need to raise $2,500
We need to raise $27,000 to continue our life-saving work with our excellent medical team in place for the remainder of this year.
Sending a BIG thank you to all of you who have donated and continue to donate to OneMama. You are a true hero to the lives of many women and children in the OneMama community.
Love and Light to all,
Siobhan “OneMama” Neilland | CEO – Founder
“We all want to feel like we are loved and we matter in this world!”