Teach By Tech plans to write curriculum, produce videos and facilitate classes focused on providing financial literacy education specific to the needs of newly arriving female refugees in Denver, CO. The classes will be provided free of charge and distributed via face to face classes and mobile phone video modules. The course design is visual to promote understanding for semi-literate to illiterate women and non-native English speakers.
Over 65 million people (1 in every 122) around the globe are displaced from their homes due to war, conflict, natural disaster and persecution. Over the past 9 years Colorado has resettled over 18,000 refugees. Many refugees have limited education or knowledge of personal finance or business education. Teach By Tech aims to provide female refugees with the financial literacy and business skills they need to successfully transition into a productive and fulfilling life in the United States.
We provide financial literacy training tailored to specific groups that includes: an introduction to U.S. currency; basic math & reading skills; calculating the cost of goods and services; distinguishing between a personal budget & a business budget; establishing savings; business plan development. Teach By Tech supplements weekly sessions by creating visually engaging videos that can be accessed via mobile phone (without connectivity). Text messages also engage learners & foster progress.
This project will provide 45 women with long term financial stability by giving them the necessary tools for managing their personal finances and/or starting small businesses as It helps to integrate refugee women into the U.S. financial system, and promote positive economic activity in communities across the country.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).