Builds a needed nutrition clinic to function as part of a larger clinic serving 8,000 rural Afghans per month. The clinic will treat nutrition-related health problems, especially in children.
Twenty-five years of war have devastated Afghanistan. Homes, farms, and orchards were destroyed and have resulted in food shortages that have been worsened by a long drought. Project partner the Afghan Institute of Learning has opened a clinic in a rural area of Kabul province called Mir Bacha Kot. Over 8,000 people per month are served through this clinic and its mobile units. Patients especially need a nutrition clinic to help them recover from health problems related to poor nutrition.
Clinic staff is hampered by lack of space to adequately focus on nutrition-related health problems, especially for children. Funding to build a small nutrition clinic that would function as a unit of the larger clinic is needed.
The nutrition clinic will treat nutrition-related health problems and educate mothers about proper nutrition for their children, caring for a child’s health and growth, using food, breastfeeding, and measuring height and weight.
This project has provided additional documentation in a Microsoft Word file (projdoc.doc).