Sam Onyemaechi Humanitarian Foundation and Samony Entrepreneurial Ventures LTD passionately champion Sustainable Development Goal 2: Zero Hunger, tackling the plight of 3.7 million food-insecure Nigerians across 16 states. In the face of civil conflicts, climate change, and the pandemic's impact, these initiatives are a beacon of hope. From empowering farmers to navigating economic challenges, their dynamic approach aims not only to alleviate hunger but to create a resilient, thriving community
Adverse climatic conditions causing fluctuations in the volume and quality of the crop; low soil fertility caused by erosion and lack of moisture; irrational use of land: we use only half of the lands we have; the predominance of small farms, the preservation of communal land ownership, the existence of conflict in the northern part of the country; lack of mechanization of agriculture.: lack of funds needed to purchase the necessary fertilizers and protection of plants.
We will see to the development of sustainable food markets technical re-equipment of agricultural enterprises, improve the competitiveness of products and boost agricultural economic and social efficiency, this will contribute to the creation of a system of support to agricultural producers, especially small ones. Increase in funding, provide a target orientation that will stimulate the growth of production volumes of strategically important type of raw material and food.
This will enhance nutritionally adequate food supply both at the national level and at the household level. There will be a reasonable degree of stability in the supply of food both from one year to the other and during the year. Also, there is the need to ensure that each household has physical, social and economic access to enough food to meet its needs. This means that each household must have the knowledge and the ability to produce or procure the food that it needs on a sustainable basis.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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