Project Report
| May 30, 2018
Progress Report of Empower Rural Women in Cameroon
By Wirkom Fred | Project leader
Greetings to current and prospective donors.
It is my pleasure to report again on this small and well managed project. I remember the first beneficiaries who would always remember the first consignment and how it supported them and it is still supporting up to date.
The size of the project in relation to funds has got just to help a limited number of families according to our resources. We are doing great with the project and beneficiaries have continued to appreciate and sustaining it by receiving their Palm oil and paying it on time while we are also ensuring the replenishing of stock on time.
Bravor to all the donors for helping. We are going to have a general meeting regarding this project in June and to decide if we can complete the project at this level instead of leaving it to continue haning on out page for long. It proposed that we will reduce the budget and write a final report in the next three months.
This meanse that who ever would like to support this project should endeavour to do so in the near future.
Thank you all for heping us help these women.
Mar 2, 2018
Progress Report of Empower Rural Women in Cameroon
By Wirkom Fred | Project leader
![women PALM OIL]()
women PALM OIL
Dear supporter,
Women have continued to help themselves in a more powerfull way.The project is really helping them so much and as was intended. The beneficiaries do not have any worry or difficulties in relation to Palmol which is really an essential house hold need.
Another good thing is that the project has attracted more women to become members and the beneficiraires have continued to increase even though we have not added any other group because of limited funds.
As they prepare for the women''s day come 8th of March, some of the women have got some of their savings to buy their Women day fabricks.
Feel free to coitinue supporting this project as your one time help will provide an opportunity for a family.
Accept my sincere greetings.
Dec 4, 2017
Progress Report of Empower Rural Women in Cameroon
By Wirkom Fred | Project leader
Dear all,
You are all welcome again for update of this project. It is another time of high demand for the Palm Oil as Christmas approaches. This is the seaon in which the [prices do skyrocate.
I am glad to report to you that the project's objectives are being achieved. We again ordered for the consignement to be shared on the 27th of this month. It rather unfortunate that the due date for the report has come when the consignement is still to arrive from Douala.
Women are preparing receive their Christmas Palm Oil as usual. this project has continued to help a limited number of women just in accordance with the funds available. We are doing our best to sustain the activities of this project and I am particulary very glad to report that Beneficiaries are sending a lot of thanks to those who ever supported this project.
If there was enough funds, we would have increased the beneficiaries. It is for this reason that we can not end this report without calling on well wishers to support the project and old donnors to boast the project on the face books, groups, friend and relatives for us.
Thank you very much for your wonderful support. May the Lord continue to bless you all.