Project Report
| Mar 13, 2023
Smartphone Help Community to Work Smart
By Som Chanmony | Executive Director
![CPI fish release event in Sadan Kampong Thom]()
CPI fish release event in Sadan Kampong Thom
Prey Lang Community Network (PLCN) continue to get benerfit by upgrading their capacity using smartphones in advocating for the protection of their forest. The knowledge of using the smartphone and related techonologies has increased the effectiveness of their effort in protecting their local natural resources, raising awareness, publicity of their Community Peacebuiliding Innitiatives (CPI) or Community Events (CE), reporting or evidents/crimes records. Prey Lang activists become much more confident in their work as they have both work hard and smart. One of the big challenages is the maintain the smarphone and other hi-tech equipments so they can be used long enough, because the heat, dust and rain damage these equipments and the community has to make sure they continue to supply themselves with the smartphone and equipments.
![Record Forest Crimes in Sadan Kampong Thom]()
Record Forest Crimes in Sadan Kampong Thom
![CPI Tree Ordination Ceremony]()
CPI Tree Ordination Ceremony
Nov 21, 2022
Documentation of Forest Crimes in Prey Lang
By Som Chanmony | Executive Director
![Logs Transportation]()
Logs Transportation
Illegal logging and transportation of the logs our of the Prey Lang continued to be a high concern of Prey Lang Community Network members who have been working to protect Prey Lang Forest more than 20 years. The restrictions on PLCN patrol activity for the past 2 years meant that trees in the forest are still to be logged and forest encroachment is unstoppable. The concerns of losing the forest not only direct effect on Kuy ethnic minority livelihood, but also culture, tradition and beliefs of the Kuy ethnicity. The pictures taken by PLCN’s smart phone have helped turn into advocacy tool to build evident based report, raising awareness of the destruction of PL and advocate for Cambodia Ministry of Environment to take action to protect the Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary.
![Logs transportation by Water Buffaloes]()
Logs transportation by Water Buffaloes
Jul 25, 2022
Documentations of Wildlife and Forest Crimes
By Som Chanamony | Executive Director
![Record of Wildlife in Prey Lang]()
Record of Wildlife in Prey Lang
Smartphones help advocacy communities to tell their stories and advocating for the protection of their local resources. Smartphones also used to record key event in our communities inlcude fish release, tree palnting, Signing agreement with government and communitty gathering to strengthen relationship, unity and building good families and forest patrol and forest crimes while patroling and investigation. Supporting advocacy communities to have smartphones and training them how to use them propoerly help advocate for their community issues. For Prey Lang Community Network (PLCN) the smartphone help them to produce forest monitoring reports. The reports are used to educate public of the the Prey Lang forest, biodiversity and protection of natural resources.
![Forest Crime and illegal logging]()
Forest Crime and illegal logging