Project Report
| Jan 21, 2020
A new entrepreneur
By Comfort Ikpeme | Project Leader
Ijeoma (20years) is a one of the trainees of the GPI entrepreneurial skills training for young women and girls. She is a new intake and within a short duration she has this to say “during the Christmas period, I was able to sew a gown, a skirt and a blouse for her mother and I can also sew clothes that I can wear to church and other important occasions. On my own I have been able to make up to Five Thousand (N5, 000.00) naira and this has helped to take care of my personal need e. g toiletries and I have paid part payment for my JAMB lesson fee I am hoping to start saving from the little I will have”
Oct 23, 2019
By Comfort Ikpeme | Project Leader
The 8th batch of entrepreneurial skills training differ a bit as GPI ventured into other non-traditional skills electrical, alumaco, welding in addition to the fashion designing being expanded to include embroidery with support from Lafarge Africa Plc. The training which has a total of 32 girls and within this short period of training, the unit has recorded great successes and achievements thus:
- The trainees are very enthusiastic and willing to learn
- Some have started generating income for themselves by sewing for friends
One of the beneficiaries decided to learn electrical skills despite her gender and today, she is doing excellently well in her in the process. Miss Melony had this to say: “ I worked for my Boss who is a Pastor and he promised to sponsor my skills training, but he started making sexual advances at me and because I always turn his request down , he refused to pay for my training, so I quit the job. I am happy for GPI free training opportunity for me, I have started generating income for myself.”
She further stated "I know whatever, one is taught to do, he or she will suceed and so, i paid deaf ears to all the discourgament for me to learn electrical. I choosed this because i have always had passion for it, Thanks to GPI for giving me the opportunity of a dream come true".
Jul 26, 2019
Results of acquiring Entrepreneurial skills
By Comfort Ikpeme | Project Leader
As some batches of the entrepreneurship training ended for young out of school females, some beneficiaries of the skills have started generating income for themselves, thereby reducing their vulnerability to sexual exploitations and all other forms of violence and discrimination. Below are some outcomes of some beneficiaries who are now shop owners and are training other young people including the males and are also employers of labour contributing to reducing SDGs No:1 which is Zero Poverty.
These beneficiaries also serve as motivation to other young women who turn up daily demanding to be enroll in order to acquire similar skills. The GPI entrepreneurial unit engages the services of some of beneficiaries’ as resource persons in training for the new intakes.