Ensure Education for 100 Child Laborers

by New Life
Ensure Education for 100 Child Laborers
Ensure Education for 100 Child Laborers
Ensure Education for 100 Child Laborers
Ensure Education for 100 Child Laborers
Ensure Education for 100 Child Laborers
Ensure Education for 100 Child Laborers
Ensure Education for 100 Child Laborers
Ensure Education for 100 Child Laborers
Ensure Education for 100 Child Laborers
Ensure Education for 100 Child Laborers
Ensure Education for 100 Child Laborers
Ensure Education for 100 Child Laborers
Ensure Education for 100 Child Laborers
Ensure Education for 100 Child Laborers
Ensure Education for 100 Child Laborers
Ensure Education for 100 Child Laborers
Ensure Education for 100 Child Laborers
Ensure Education for 100 Child Laborers
Ensure Education for 100 Child Laborers
Ensure Education for 100 Child Laborers


Envisaging educational opportunity by financially supporting (for three years) 25 children who were once upon child labourers after organising functional literacy to 100 child laborers. The aim is to help the children have access to education, health & equitable wages in future. The project aims at supporting the ex-child labour children who studied in our special schools and are continuing their high school and college education. 25 children are successfully supported each year since 2014.

total raised
monthly donors


4256 children (age 6-14) from poor economic and social backgrounds are engaged as Child labourers in the ancilliary heavy industries: automobile units, wind mill erection plants and quarrying industries in the Trichirappalli Town. The industrial growth in and around the Town in the past 2 decades has its negative impact on the children. They are paid low wages and are exploited as their parents are less educated and have no means to support the educational needs of their children.


The project aims to provide: Orientation to identified child labourers; Workshop on evils of child labour & proposed outcomes to parents; Admission to regular schools. The parents will be counselled. Identified children will be admitted to special schools functioning with Government support. They will be infused with confidence, motivation & desire to continue their studies. Motivated, eligible children are then admitted to regular schools. 25 Children above 8th standard are supported each year

Long-Term Impact

The education given to the child labourers will have a long term impact on their wages and health. It will reduce the instances of child abuse both by the parents and the employers. Also the financial indebtedness will reduce in the long run if the children are educated. The standard of living will improve in the families of the ex-child labourers. Hence the community will have a sustainable development in the long run.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a XLSX file (projdoc.xlsx).


Organization Information

New Life

Location: Somarasampettai, Trichirappalli - India
Facebook: Facebook Page
New Life
Beatrice Vanaja
Project Leader:
Beatrice Vanaja
Chief Administrative Officer
Trichirappalli , Tamil Nadu India

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