Dear friends,
This may be my favorite quotation from the American writer Alice Walker – the full text is, “Thank you is the best prayer that anyone could say. I say that one a lot. Thank you expresses extreme gratitude, humility, understanding.”
As I write to you, I am definitely feeling gratitude and humility, but I wonder if I fully understand. There are so many worthy organizations that you could support. Why did you choose Aravind?
I am so happy that you did. I promise you that your gift changed lives – not just the person who needed surgery or medicines to prevent blindness. Treatment is expensive and puts a huge financial burden on a family. Caring for a blind parent or grandparent can mean that children aren’t able to attend school or a spouse can’t work. When you give the gift of sight, you give it to all.
I want to share a couple of patient stories with you. Perumal, 48 years old, from Ramanathapuram, is a parotta master in a hotel, making the crispy multi-layered bread that is well-loved in South India. He is the main “bread” earner in his family and has three children. Rani is a 45-year-old housewife from Kanyakumari. She has two children and is the bedrock of her family. Both Perumal and Rani were diagnosed with lymphoma of the eye and treated successfully at the Aravind Eye Hospital in Madurai. Now, they can go back to their lives and to caring for their families.
This year, we are on track to treat more than 200 patients for eye cancer and provide genetic testing for 74 patients. We are starting new programs to support patients with corneal ulcers and ocular injuries. Completely free of cost, thanks to you.
So, my prayer for you is a thank you. If I understand correctly, you chose us because you want your gift to change lives. I can assure you that it does. If you would like to know more about how you are making a difference, please email me at or call me on (917) 412 4742. I would love to hear from you.
With gratitude, humility, understanding and a nod to the great Alice Walker,
Donna Campbell, Executive Director
Aravind Eye Foundation
"Intelligence and Capability are not enough. There must be the joy of doing something beautiful."
- Dr. G. Venkataswamy, founder of Aravind Eye Care Systems