Young people with & without disabilities join our Inclusive Arts Course to study Visual Art, Dance, Music, Drama and Life Skills for two years. If you have a disability in Cambodia, you're told that you can not achieve anything. Our students come from communities who believe this. They've been told over and over that because of their disability they wont be successful in life. We use the arts as a tool for students to believe in themselves and change the perception of disability in Cambodia.
If you have a disability in Cambodia you are pitied. Your community tells you that you are unable to learn, work or support yourself. If you are a child with a disability you're family might decide that sending you to school is a waste of time and money. After years of stigma and discrimination young people with disabilities are often downtrodden. They have no belief in their ability to support themselves or lead a successful life. Our Inclusive Arts Course changes these attitudes.
On our Inclusive Arts Course (IAC) we enrol students with and without disabilities. The young people on the course are able to find their creative voice, develop new skills & gain confidence. As well as creative skills students learn to believe in their own abilities. For many of the students this is the first time that they have significant value in their community. Students join Epic Arts supportive community of staff who all believe in every person's ability.
The aim for the course is to change the perception of disability in Cambodia. Our course does this by encouraging people with disabilities to believe in themselves. Students gain confidence and new creative skills. Students become part of a supportive community where everyone is equal. From their experience they are able to question society's negative perceptions about disability. Students leave the course inspired by our inclusive environment. They become ambassadors for a more inclusive societ