Around the world, mothers and other women who care for children work tirelessly to provide them with brighter futures. Research shows they can do it: Increases in women's income result in direct improvements in their children's lives. Yet women, especially those in rural areas, remain disproportionately represented among the poorest of the poor, making up 70 percent of all impoverished people. The Women's Empowerment Fund is a bold vision to raise $25 million to financially empower 2 million.
1.1 billion women lack access to financial services, 70% of the poor are women, 63% of women lack access to a bank account, 74% of women lack access to formal savings, 80 cents of every dollar earned by women is invested in her children, compared with 30 cents by men, and women earn 25% less income than men, despite working longer hours. These statistics show that gender inequality is still a huge challenge all over the world.
The Women's Empowerment Fund aims to build the resilience of women and their families, improve gender equality, and support the development of women's livelihoods through achieving two main objectives, 1) Increase financial access for vulnerable women, particularly in rural areas, and 2) improve quality of financial services, tailored to meet women's needs. The fund seeks to empower 2 million women and impact 6 million children - double the current numbers-annually by 2021.
With access to financial services and training, along with encouragement from their communities, women with few other resources can change their world and the future of their children. In 2015, more than 90% of our clients reported at least one benefit to their children after one loan, and 50% reported three or more benefits, such as sufficient food and drinking water, improved basic education, additional clothing/shoes, and covered health cost. Thank you for considering a contribution.