Provide appropriate assistive devices (low techs) to 40 visually impaired youth and train them on the use of the devices including computers in Kigali City, Rwanda because most of them are unable to access them after finishing school. The devices will help them to access information for their development and use them in their daily life.
In 12 million people in Rwanda, 1/100 is visually impaired and many of them don't have a job. Youth with disabilities in Rwanda mostly visually impaired can access assistive devices while at school (special schools) but after finishing school it's not easy for them to access them. The assistive devices help them to access information for employment opportunities and use them in their daily activities.
Provide appropriate assistive devices and training for visually impaired youth out of the school . Skills on how to use a computer and internet will be part of the training too.
In the long term, the 40 trained youth will have skills which will help them to be self-reliant. The skills acquired will also build confidence in them for their self development and this will improve their social inclusion. In addition, they will be supported to look for job.