The money you raise will provide the materials and tools that people living in refugee camps need to create basic furniture, curtains for more privacy and other crucial items that are lacking in their daily lives. These items will be created in the intercultural "maker-space" Habibi.Works, a space offering 11 working areas for people living in three different camps in the north of Greece. Moreover, every person who comes to the centre receives a healthy, delicious meal for the day.
There are currently more than 3000 refugees living in the region of Epirus, in the north of Greece. Many of them are stuck in a legal limbo and in difficult living conditions for years, without access to education, to psychological support, to the labor market and to the society.
Habibi.Works is offering platforms for education, empowerment and social encounters. People can regain authority over their lives and take independent decisions. They can repair or build what is needed in their daily lives, they can share knowledge, gain new skills, meet others and take first steps of integration. The campaign "Empower 500 refugees with tools & skills" will support hundreds of people to improve their living conditions, but also to make experiences that empower them.
This campaign will have an impact on the lives of 500 people in northern Greek refugee camps, improving their living situation and thus their health and well-being, creating conditions that are necessary to regain confidence and to be able integrate into society.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).