Identified the poorest women in Lamu, Anidan will involve them in high quality microcredit project providing business training and health education to improve the life of 250 families, around 1000 malnourished children.
Almost 60% of the population of the district of Lamu live in extreme poverty, 40% of women are illiterate and the child mortality rate is 12%. Gender discrimination and low entrepreneurial capacity of women constitute a big development problem, although the women in these areas play an important role in the community and within the family.Thanks to the microcredit and others services offered, the goal of the action is to reduce by 25% the number of families who are living below the poverty line.
Identify with the Progress Out of Poverty 250 poorest women, explanation about the credit methodology offered (group lending) and 2 trainings every month in business skills (importance of savings), sanitary education for the 8 villages where the women are involved in the project.
The project will support (with loans and education) 250 women (50 groups) allowing them to rise out of poverty, which will provide for their 250 families health and well-being.
This project has provided additional documentation in a Microsoft Excel file (projdoc.xls).