Samuel on his 40th birthday in Oct. 2024
It is with a sad heart that we must tell you of the unexpected death of Mr. Samuel E., president of our partner organization in Haiti, CAHSAV.
CAHSAV is the acronym in French for Center for the “support and lodging of the Adults of St. Vincent’s”.Samuel had just celebrated his 40
th birthday. He was working as an accountant and he was actively and kindly leading an increasing number of activities of CAHSAV, when a brief and severe respiratory illness took him away within a day, in the middle of November.
You are invited to join a Memorial Gathering on Sunday February 2, from 3 to 4 pm Eastern time, to share reminiscences with his colleagues and friends. Translation will be provided between English and Kreyol.
We will also memorialize a dear older member of CAHSAV, Liliane, nicknamed Dixie, who passed away about two weeks after Samuel.
Please contact or for the zoom link.
ANNUAL REPORT: 2024 The year just passed had been a good one for members of CAHSAV and for our partnership, even though the context of violence and difficulty with limited supplies in the country has not yet lifted.
TIME-LINE OF EVENTS: Friends of St. Vincent’s and CAHSAV: in 2024
Dec. 25 - January 1, 2024: Our partners celebrate Christmas followed by Haitian Independence Day, treating the children of St. Vincent's to Pizza
April 17: Friends of St. Vincent’s Presentation to Zonta Club in Ohio (Thank you Zonta Club!)
May 26: CAHSAV Mother’s Day event: recognition ceremony for the housemothers and the cooks at St. Vincent’s
June: Graduation of Jean-Marc from high school in Haiti: a deaf student sponsored by CAHSAV, with assistance from Friends of St. Vincent’s
June: Graduation of Roger from 9
th grade at St. Vincent’s: a blind student sponsored by CAHSAV, with assistance from Friends of St. Vincent’s
October: A big Birthday party for Zachary, to cheer him up!
December 3: Celebration of the International Day of the Handicapped Person at St. Vincent’s Center: CAHSAV members help to host the festivities.
FINANCIAL INCOME AND EXPENSE in 2024Income in 2024: 15,167.89
Expense in 2024: 19,943.99
Mission: CAHSAV partnership: 17,921.00
Organizational Expenses of FoStV: 2,022.99
- Supplementation of daily meals with fresh vegetables & protein
- Part-time salary for a nurse
- Part-time salary for a motorcycle messenger
- Internet
- School Scholarship for two students: Jean-Marc B. and Roger J.
MEMBERS of CAHSAV as of Dec. 31, 2024
- Mackenson
- Kenson
- Judith
- Maille
- Elismé
- Rosanna
- Roger
- Zachary
- Evens
- Jemmy
- Moise
New MEMBER of Friends of St. Vincent’s as of Dec.31, 2024Rachel Schnabel : You will enjoy this brief bio of our newest member! (Photo attached!)
Rachel Schnabel is an enthusiastic Episcopalian and disability advocate serving in the Tampa, Florida area. She enjoys spending lots of time with all her parents and grandparents each week, volunteering on the diocesan standing committee, with her parish youth ministry, and crafting all sorts of different things in her free time. She became disabled while serving with the Episcopal Young Adult Service Corp for a year in Brazil. In joining the Friends of St. Vincent's, she is excited to uphold the disability motto "Nothing About Us Without Us."
PLANS FOR 2025Life for our colleagues in Haiti, the members of CAHSAV, will go on. Another member of CAHSAV will soon step into the role of president of their Haitian nonprofit organization. Friends of St. Vincent’s will continue to accompany our partners in the activities and projects that they choose as priorities. You will be hearing about support for daily needs as well as sponsorship of students for high school and vocational education. You will hear of the job coaching offered by the adults to young students who apprentice in the lunch-bar and restaurant, called the Bar-Resto Jovin. And soon you will hear about a memorial project proposed by the director of St. Vincent’s Center in honor of our fallen colleague: the Samuel E. Pavillion.