This project will provide short-term room and board, emergency healthcare, counseling, advocacy, and financial aid to 50 girls and women victims of sex trafficking in Kigali, Rwanda. The project will help to transition these girls and women from their past life of controlled abuse to stable independence.
The young girls and women who have been victimized by sex traffickers and survived, are still extremely vulnerable and at risk of re-traumatization because of their horrific experience. They exhibit symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder including, depression and anxiety, poor self esteem, withdrawn behavior, promiscuity, habit disorders and rejection. The challenge is to provide intervention and practical assistance when it is most needed.
Esther's Aid wants to create a specific program, tailored to these vulnerable girls and young women. It will last from 9-12 months with specific answers for the needs of these survivors. These include, short term room and board, short term financial aid, emergency health care, counseling and advocacy. They will be enrolled in Esther's Aid current training programs (culinary, sewing and fashion design) to gain skills. These skills empower them with dignity and confidence to seek employment
This project will provide opportunity for these vulnerable young women to break free from traffickers, find refuge when it is most needed, and to achieve productive and independent lives. The project will also provide transition support. Esther's Aid will mentor these girls and women on the entrepreneurship and cooperative creation of small businesses.
This project has provided additional documentation in a Microsoft Word file (projdoc.doc).