This project will help Emfasis Homeless Choir to reach its Destination by securing the needed resources to hold a Concert Evening at the Athens Conservatoire.
The Greek homeless population is totally deprived of access not only to housing and health care, but culture too. Since 2019, Emfasis has addressed this issue by formating and implementing "Mobile Joy" Programme, namely, a Mobile Center for Empowerment & Social Integration, in the context of which psychotherapeutic activities and events are facilitated, such as the Emfasis Homeless Choir.
Based on the huge response and active participation of our beneficiaries, we jointly decided to take the next step: to share our efforts with friends and supporters by organizing a Concert Evening at the Athens Conservatoire. Our goal is to provide our vulnerable citizens with a platform to not only to advocate for their right to culture but also to bring out their talent and dedication.
The project will give the opportunity to our Choir not only to present their shared hard work and drive but to break the social stereotypes with regards to homelessness in front of an audience of 200 hundread auditors. At the same time and since, the Concert will be recorded, our team will have the chance to make a good use of the selected material for its advocacy & awareness campaigns.
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