Cash bounty for the removal of 40 crown of thorns starfish (@ 25cents each), representing the saving of some 15,000 fist-sized corals per year (COTS eat a fist-sized coral per day).
Saving a coral genotype resistant to bleaching, by incorporating the corals into nurseries protected from predators. Field scoping, trimming, and planting to the nursery.
Buys a snorkel, mask, and fins for one community volunteer trainee (becomes their own property dependent of filling their quota of time on the project or COTS collected)
Funds an individual community youth leader to follow up with volunteers on the coral nurseries and with COTS removal for six months.
Coral nursery of bleaching resistant corals: Metal bar "table" structure with suspended ropes and wire mesh trays used to grow "mother corals", trimmed at one year for replanting reef patches.
Pays the cost for one community Coral health and Climate Change Adaptation workshop, preferably where existing no-fishing areas are already well established.
Special project support for coral work in Tuvalu, in association with the GG Happy Chicken project sites, where small-scale chicken farming is being promoted as an alternative to overfishing.
Funds a full time project manager for an outer island community one full year.