Emergency Response for Ukrainians

by Association for Social Development and Aid Mobilization
Emergency Response for Ukrainians
Emergency Response for Ukrainians
Emergency Response for Ukrainians
Emergency Response for Ukrainians
Emergency Response for Ukrainians
Emergency Response for Ukrainians
Emergency Response for Ukrainians
Emergency Response for Ukrainians


Following the initiation of the military offence of Russia against Ukraine on 24 February 2022, as of March 11th, 34.392 individuals with Ukrainian citizenship have entered Turkey. Most of the refugees are composed of women, children, elderly and individuals with vulnerablities. With this project, ASAM is aiming at meeting the urgent needs of the individuals to prevent further suffering and decreasing the risks that they may encounter. To do that, ASAM will provide emergency assistance.

total goal
monthly donors


Given the volatile situation in Ukraine, the influx to Turkey is ongoing since the instability in the country continues. The needs of those who had to flee are acute and urgent assistance to meet these needs are vital. Women, children, and elderly people are impacted differently and disproportionately. Since children are greatly affected by this process and families have difficulty in explaining the situation, psycho-social support is needed and necessary precautions should be taken.


Inn order to meet the urgent needs of the individuals ASAM is aiming at providing emergency and urgent assistance, assisting the vulnerable individuals fleeing from Ukraine in meeting their unmet basic needs and improving their living conditions, ensuring personal safety and protection by providing accommodation support, providing access to health services, providing PSS kits for children, and providing cash assistance. Through these interventions, ASAM will decrease the risks.

Long-Term Impact

In order to increase the resilience of the individuals, to meet their urgent needs is of utmost importance. Through responding to their basic and urgent needs, it is aimed at preventing longer term deterioration of the situation of the Ukrainians affected by the military conflict and fled to Turkey. By decreasing their risks, ASAM is striving for increasing the resilience of the individuals against the emergency situation and provide them with support in the longer-term.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

Association for Social Development and Aid Mobilization

Location: Ankara - Turkey
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Buket Bahar Dvrak
Ankara , Turkey

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