Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece

by Kid & Family
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece
Emergency Relief for Refugee Families in Greece


There is a refugee crisis at Europe's door. The reason we talk about a "crisis" is not because of the number of refugees but because of the incapacity of Europe to deal with the problem in an organized and predictable way. There is a need for all European countries to cooperate with solidarity in order to confront this problem with cooperation and goodwill. The Greek islands receive 2.500 refugees every day. Source: The Greek Police Site and the UNHCR

total raised
monthly donors


There are currently more than 1,500,000 jobless in Greece. However, overshadowing all this is the overwhelming influx of refugees fleeing from terror. These families with young children need: 250.000 meals a day, 250.000 bottles of water on their arrival, medical attention, warm dry clothes, emotional & psychological support, to help them learn to communicate in a European Language, a roof over their heads, sanitary facilities and a place to bury their dead. We need your help to keep them alive.


KID & FAMILY works to feed children and save as many lives as possible. We help families to survive. We provide food, water, medical care & personal essentials directly to the people as they arrive on the beaches of the islands. Winter is here! Your help is needed immediately. On an island of 15.000 residents we received 75.000 refugees in the last 7 months. Therefore facilities are urgently needed for handling for living and the dead. We are appealing to the common people of the world.

Long-Term Impact

Kid & Family is fighting to save lives by receiving and hosting refugees in a country experiencing an historical problem of "crisis". European peace and safety is paramount. The permanent solution is the creation of a center that supports and integrates refugee families in Greece. For the language, the next major problem, we give girls and women fast and easy access to the English language as the best way to integrate into any country. Men receive first Aid Training lessons. They must survive!

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

Kid & Family

Location: Athens - Greece
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @KidsfestivalGr
Project Leader:
Roumpini Terzaki
Athens , Athens Greece

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