"Please Help my Kashmir in this difficult situation."We are responding to this plea with an EMERGENCY RELIEF program to address immediate and desperate needs as winter takes hold in Kashmir. The situation in Kashmir is very unstable and many families no longer can earn an income to feed themselves. The Relief program seeks to help at least 50 families to support them with one month's food and grocery supply.
The situation in Kashmir is very unstable, businesses are closed, shops are closed, schools and colleges are closed: There are families whose only source of income comes from construction, taxi drivers, conductors and street vendors. It was difficult for these families before, but now with no income source they are facing a winter without the essentials they will need.
The Relief program seeks to help at least 50 families of 5 members to support them with one month's food and grocery supply. We have estimated around AUD$225 worth of supplies per family will be enough. IGWR-Nepal will manage this program via their country director [Raja] who comes from Kashmir and has family and a network of willing helpers to deliver the aid packages.
To help these families through winter gives them hope for getting back to work and becoming self-sufficient again if/when the situation in Kashmir is resolved. If the lockdown continues, we will extend this relief effort to ensure families can live during the lock down.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).