Emergency Funds For Displaced Families In Cameroon

by John Retreat Foundation International USA Inc (JRFIUSA-INC)
Emergency Funds For Displaced Families In Cameroon


Project will provide emergency support for displaced families to obtain water, food, medical supplies , personal items, household needs , mosquito nets, insect repellent, and shelter Families have been hiding in the bushes and have escaped to a safe area from the crisis currently occurring in the NW/SW Regions of Cameroon. We need to transport over 200 men, women and children out of the country to a safe place until the civil war is over. Humanitarian challenges will require years to resolve.

total goal
monthly donor


These displaced families are at risk and are currently experiencing starvation, diseases and political persecution, as they are not guaranteed basic rights in their own country. This project will affect more than 200 families, children, women, men, youths more than 28 villages in Meta and neigboring English speaking people who are hiding in the bushes and who have escaped to other areas in Cameroon.


This project will provide nutrition, medicine, shelter and health care to starving children and families who are on the run and have been displaced from their English speaking homes in the NW/SW areas of Cameroon. The international community needs to recognize that the humanitarian challenges in Cameroon will require years to resolve due to lower life expectancy rates, lower adult literacy and school enrollment rates, and a standard of living lower than that of the rest of the world.

Long-Term Impact

A number of important development issues remain in Cameroon: food security, basic infrastructure, healthcare, and education. In the process of developing our children, rural families, and community leaders into self-sufficient members of society, we must adhere to the sanctity of life and instill in our children the Word of God and the reverence for life because we were made in the image of God. This crisis too shall pass!

Project Leader:
Giddy and Celine Ticha
Tyrone , GA United States
$9,462 raised of $90,000 goal
113 donations
$80,538 to go
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